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Why Israel cannot afford to be recalcitrant
Published on June 5, 2010 By Bahu Virupaksha In Current Events

Israel enjoys a high degree of goodwill in many parts of the world and even professional critics of Israel have found much to admire in the manner in which the State of Israel conducts its no nonsense foreigh policy. The world opinion be damnned. As long of USA is not overly critical Israel does not seem to care. The lastest outrage committed on the high sea seems to have taken even the Obama Administration by surprise and Hilary Clinton has joined the rest of the world in condemning Islaer's action in using military might against a flottila carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. The world has come to recognise that the economic blokade imposed by Israel is causing untold misery to the people of the Palestenianterritory. If by following this policy Israel hopes to undermine the support base of the HAMAS, the policy is claerly not succeeding. In fact the blokade has only increased the level of public acceptability of HAMAS. The economic blokade has failed in its expressly stated purpose but has succeeeded in imposing collective punishment on the people of Gaza for electing the Hamas.

Israel has used unacceptable level of force in dealing with the flotilla carrying, afterall hum,anitarian aid to the people of Gaza. The boat did not carry any military equipment or even machinery. It only carried tents, balnkets, medicines, school text books, toys, food aand relief material. Israel could have allowed the passage of ther aid flotilla insteasd of brutally attacking and causing the death of 10 aid workers. Video footage shows the Israeli paratroopers rapelling on to the deck of the vessels and opening fire. Israel's claim that they were atrtcked first carries no convixction as the aid flitilla was on international waters when the incedent happened. I do agree that Israel has a very difficult security environment and aslo recluctanly have to conced that the security wall, often called apartheid wall has given security to the civilians as there have been far fewer suicide bombings now than before. By saying this we should not be encouraging Israel with its hard straecraft, though it is enviably successful.

The War launched against the residents of Gaza in 2008-2009 resulted, for the first time in the 65 year history of Israel in a withdrawl without achieving any major strategic objrective. The rockets attacks have stopped but for how long remains open to question. The degradation of the Hamas and its military capability has clearly not been achieved. Under these circumstances Israel could have been more circumspect.

There is yet another issue causing international disquiet. This is to do with Israel's nuclear programme. The Barack Obama administration is obsessed over Iran's nuclear material even though Iran has complied will all its obligations under the NPT to which Iran is a signatory. The nulear matwerial exchange agreement signed with Turkey and other countries effectively puts Iran's spent fuel under international scrutiny. Israel on the other hand in not a signatory to the NPT and has been carrying out a covert nuclear amrs program for the past 3 to 4 decades in a facilty in the NEGEV desert.The revelations of Mordechai Vanunu the Israeli expert has proved to the whole world the existence of the nuclear program. US experts believe that Israel possesses around 100 warheads just a screw driver away from deployment. Under these circumstances peace in the Middle East will look a dismal prospect.

Israel must respond to the consistent US call for a return to the Road Map and the process agreed with the quartet.



Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 15, 2010

You know if that happened there wouldn't be any rockets coming over, right?

No, what does the UN care about money?  It is not theirs and there is an endless supply (Luxury Liners in Haiti)

on Jun 15, 2010

You know if that happened there wouldn't be any rockets coming over, right?  There would be probably an invasion force coming over or the everyday hit and run squad/sniper squad.

That's why we have to close the border completely and absolutely.

Let them seek medical care elsewhere (Egypt, Jordan, Cyprus) and let them import whatever they want with all the money they constantly receive from all the world.


No, what does the UN care about money?  It is not theirs and there is an endless supply (Luxury Liners in Haiti)

I know. But the trick here is, I simply want the money. Israel will get hit by rockets anyway.

Each invasion into Israel should also cost the UN.


on Jun 16, 2010

There are valid binding resolutions. The Arabs just refuse to obey them

I think Istrael too has evaded quite a few binding UN resolutions.

on Jun 16, 2010

I think Istrael too has evaded quite a few binding UN resolutions.

Which ones?

And have they been general ("Both sides are asked to...") or special ("Israel is asked to...")?


on Jun 16, 2010

And have they been general ("Both sides are asked to...") or special ("Israel is asked to...")?

What about the repeated calls for ceasefire during Israels/s war with Lebanon.

on Jun 16, 2010

What about the repeated calls for ceasefire during Israel's war with Lebanon.

They were not "binding UN resolutions".

Plus, if there were directed at Israel rather than Hizbullah (who started the war) I wouldn't call them "general".

So perhaps you want to know why Hizbullah did not heed repeated calls for ceasfire in its war with Israel?

If someone is under attack and defends himself, asking him to stop is tantamount to legitimising the attack. If the UN is in that business, the UN shouldn't be listened to.

So I ask you again, which binding UN resolution has Israel violated? And was that resolution specifically made up for Israel or was it a resolution based on written international law that applies to everyone?


on Jun 16, 2010

They were not "binding UN resolutions".

You are right. Surely there are UN resolutions which have been vetoed by the US. I may be wrong but there is one on the return of Bekkah Valley and Golan Hieghts. But as I have said my own reading on the specific issue of UN genaral and UNSC resolutions may be alittle shaky.

on Jun 16, 2010

You are right. Surely there are UN resolutions which have been vetoed by the US. I may be wrong but there is one on the return of Bekkah Valley and Golan Hieghts. But as I have said my own reading on the specific issue of UN genaral and UNSC resolutions may be alittle shaky.

The Beqaa valley is in Lebanon, near Beirut (?). What resolution regarding that valley has Israel violated?

As for the Golan Heights, I am not aware of a UN resolution specific to it. There is resolution 242 which demands this:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.

Israel's response was this:

My government has indicated its acceptance of the Security Council resolution for the promotion of agreement on the establishment of a just and lasting peace. I am also authorized to reaffirm that we are willing to seek agreement with each Arab State on all matters included in that resolution.

So I guess we are waiting for (ii), termination of all claims or states of belligerency. The Arabs have not done that yet. Note that Israel offered land in exchange for peace in 1968 and the Arabs rejected it. Are you seriously blaming Israel for the Arab failure to accept their part in the resolution?

But there are two other important points about this resolution.

Since Jerusalem was supposed to be under UN control for ten years and was then supposed to be subject to a vote among its population to join either Israel or the Arab state (at a time when Jerusalem had a Jewish majority), a withdrawal from Jerusalem wouldn't give anyone else rights to Jerusalem. Instead the vote would have to be done, at a time when Jerusalem had an even greater Jewish majority.

Gaza and the non-Jerusalem parts of the West-Bank could have been given back to Egypt and Jordan, but they didn't want them when they made peace with Israel.

The Golan Heights can theoretically go back to Syria once Syria ends the state of belligerency.

The remaining one point is this:

Syria and Jordan attacked Israel. When Germany attacked Poland and Russia, Poland and Russia got to keep German lands won in that war. I don't know when the UN changed "international law" to make that illegal but it certainly didn't even apply when North-Vietnam attacked and finally annexed South-Vietnam.

And does anybody seriously believe that if the Arabs had won any of the wars the UN would have bothered with the supposed law that says that one must not annex land in a war?


So apart from this resolution 424 which is apparently not based on international law as it applies to any other country and which Israel was willing to comply with but the Arabs were not, which resolution did Israel defy?


on Jun 16, 2010

Bahu Virupaksha

And have they been general ("Both sides are asked to...") or special ("Israel is asked to...")?
What about the repeated calls for ceasefire during Israels/s war with Lebanon.

This actually is a moot point because we are talking about PA and not Lebanon.

I'll post what I posted before: 

Just the fact that an Iranian ship is now enroute shows the true intent.  The rest of the Middle East has never given Gaza any aid before (except if you count munitions), all of a sudden Iran decides to send a ship.  Seriously, check and see when the last time Iran sent any aid besides munitions.  Bullets and guns don't taste very good even with Ketchup (or Catsup however you want to spell it)

Another thing was before Gaza was given over to the PA it was rather self-sufficient land.  The Israelies built irrigation systems that made Gaza into some excellent farm land. Gaza, also had olive and grape vineyards there which could be used to export.  

ITs not about the land or the people.  Its not like the blockade just started either. (What about Turkey's blockade of Cyprus? This is one of the main reason Turkey is not and will be allowed into the EU!)

Do you know why the blockade is going on?  Its not totally about weapons.  Shalit, is being held without access to the Internation Red Cross, which is illegal and as kidnapping another countries soldiers is an act of war but I didn't see the U.N. say anything about when Shalit got kidnapped nor the sinking of another warship.

There is no humanitarian crisis, Israel sends over 15,000 tons of medicine and food through international organization.

Is Hamas a terrorist organization? Is Hamas' charter peaceful, you be the judge.   Here it is  just scroll down and you'll find the Charter.

on Jun 17, 2010

There is no humanitarian crisis, Israel sends over 15,000 tons of medicine and food through international organization

The envoy of the Quartet, Mr Tony Blair, has noow suggested exactly what we have argued here. Let a select list of items into Gaza and withdraw the blockade. Israel having realised that world opinion is against it, for the moment swill be brought on board.

No matter what the HAMAS is or is not, Israel has its own security has to engage with it. Non-engagemetn is not a serious or viable option.

on Jun 17, 2010

The envoy of the Quartet, Mr Tony Blair, has noow suggested exactly what we have argued here. Let a select list of items into Gaza and withdraw the blockade.

That doesn't make sense. Letting a select list of items into Gaza is a blockade.

That's what Israel is doing at the moment.


on Jun 17, 2010

That doesn't make sense. Letting a select list of items into Gaza is a blockade.

Avoidance of dual use materials and strictly food, medicines and nothing that can be used in an offensive manner. That is what it means. Gaza is not a soverign entitly and therefore Israel uses its right of self defence to enforce the blockade.

on Jun 17, 2010

Avoidance of dual use materials and strictly food, medicines and nothing that can be used in an offensive manner. That is what it means. Gaza is not a soverign entitly and therefore Israel uses its right of self defence to enforce the blockade.


But my point is that you cannot "let a select list of items into Gaza" AND "withdraw the blockade", because "letting a select list of items into Gaza" IS the blockade.

What I find extremely worrying is that the world cares so much about Gazans not getting weapons but coudn't care less about Darfurians not getting food. The first is a crime Israel must be condemned for, the second is perfectly OK and the UN and Europe would never lecture the Arab League over it.

It's a class system for humanity. There are class-A people and class-B people. Non-Jewish and non-Kurdish white people are class A, Kurds, Jews and black Africans are class B.


on Jun 17, 2010

The first is a crime Israel must be condemned for, the second is perfectly OK and the UN and Europe would never lecture the Arab League over it.

Guess Whatr. You may be right. The world does not care for Darfur because it is away from the prying eyes of the Media.

on Jun 17, 2010

Guess Whatr. You may be right. The world does not care for Darfur because it is away from the prying eyes of the Media.

Are you putting the cart before the horse?  How does the world know about any crises?  Well, some say Governments or the UN speak about them, but most governments (dictatorships aside) and the UN have no message vehicle!  They all rely on the media.  Does the media rely solely on governments and the UN for their information?  Some would say yes.  But that is not true either.  At least in theory.  The media often digs out the story to tell, and then the governments and the UN pick up the mantra (as well as the public).

So you are using circular logic with your response.  It is NOT away from the prying eyes of the media.  The question remains why is the media ignoring it.  And Leauki has touched on the answer.  It goes beyond that to a truth about extreme hatred and bigotry by the left.  But the rebuttal to your response is that the media is not doing their job regardless of the reason.  In a word, they are incompetent.

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