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Why the U S will not prevail in Iraq
Published on January 7, 2005 By Bahu Virupaksha In Politics
The U S marines have only one rule in Iraq:shoot first clear the mess later. Any vehicle approaching within 100 meters of a US military humvee is peppered with bullets before questions are asked. Similarly any ordinary Iraqi with a cell phone risks having his guts ripped out by a splatter of M-16 gunfire. Deadly force has become the norm as for as the Anglo American forces are concerned. All this makes for a horrendous loss of civillian life. A 20 something U S soldier says proudly that "we waste people "if they come too close. Just imagine if men used to this level of violence return home. Since September 1 2004 when theAmerican soldiers came to Ramadi more than2000 civillians have been killed inthat city alone.Now the US army with logistical support from the British forces have a new tactic: they hide in wait near the bodies of dead Iraqis and when someone comes to bury the body, they open fire. I wish the commanders of such forces would read one of the outstanding plays of Greek literature, Antigone. They would know that for every one Iraqi they "waste" 10 more will take their place. It is for this reasonr the deadly force is unlikely to yield the desired results.

So far the steady flow ofcasualities has only proved that the American civil society has overcome its distaste for body bags. There is as yet no hope of a settlement that would bring peace with honor.

The run up to the elections as we have always known is proving extremely costly. In the last two days more than 36 Iraqis have dies in bombings, 21 US soldiers have died along with the Allawi regime governor of Bagdad. The projected Sunni Shia divide is not materialising and Iraqis are showing everyone thatthey matter .

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jan 09, 2005
Reply By: whoman69Posted: Saturday, January 08, 2005ok I am going to endevor to be succient and nice at the same time'now we know you're lyingTHE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD THOUGHT SADDAM had weapons of mass destruction......... Bush did not lie ..... I respect your right to not like bush , to disagree with bush but FOR GODS SAKE MAN GET OVER IT........and you just proved the lie in your next statement. you are the one who needs to get over it. where are the weapons? you bought into a bluff. and now you're buying into a lie. don't give me some crap about how they went to syria. we mapped every inch of iraq with satellites and there has been no evidence. Every reason for going to war has been debunked, only the lies and the dead remain.

ummmmmm da weapons is in yer tushy for useing thatr arguement assa reason..
on Jan 09, 2005
I suppose the huge voter turnout in the Palestinian elections today is further proof of SPM's thesis that "democracy is totally alien to the human mind."

on Jan 09, 2005
If we cut and run now, every American life lost in Iraq will have been for nothing.

And, their lives lost if we stay and kill more people and have more soldiers killed makes it more worthwhile? Your logic is ridiculous. Unfortunately, I really do believe that the lives lost is a terrible waste, one for which the Bush neocons should be held accountable for. I'm sorry if that appears to undercut anyone's sense of purpose, but wasted lives are wasted lives. The lives lost have been for nothing. At least, not for anything really noble, except for what the soldiers themselves were. They were noble. They fought and sacrificed themselves very nobly. But, for nothing. It's so sad. History will not treat Bush and his neocon criminals kindly. They are yet one more stain on humanity.
on Jan 10, 2005
eply By: DraginolPosted: Friday, January 07, 2005I hate to tell you this but the US has already prevailed in Iraq. Moving the goal posts until one can re-define victory into an impossible context may make some people feel better, but the reality is, the US went in to overthrow the Saddam regime.

If my memory serves me right the USA went into Iraq in search and destroy mission regarding WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. When that turned out to be a hollow pretext for war regime change was brought out as a justification. While dealing with Big Powers we must never make the mistake of assuming their sanctimonious hum bug to be the truth. If Bush had asked for a regime change then UN resolution 1420 does not mention it. In any case, the USA has killed more civillians in the last 16 months than the total score of Saddam in 20 years. Just today we heard of a house in Mosul being "wasted". How long do the people of Iraq have to live in fear of two ruthless killing machines.
on Jan 10, 2005

Reply #65 By: Bahu Virupaksha - 1/10/2005 1:01:08 AM
eply By: DraginolPosted: Friday, January 07, 2005I hate to tell you this but the US has already prevailed in Iraq. Moving the goal posts until one can re-define victory into an impossible context may make some people feel better, but the reality is, the US went in to overthrow the Saddam regime.

If my memory serves me right the USA went into Iraq in search and destroy mission regarding WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION

That is where your memory is faulty. WMD's were only *one* of the reasons!

In any case, the USA has killed more civillians in the last 16 months than the total score of Saddam in 20 years

Bring proof or change your statement.
on Jan 10, 2005

Reply #58 By: COL Gene - 1/9/2005 5:57:41 PM
sir peter

You are so full of C___ If it were not for the US, you woluld be ruled by Germany today. We also kicked you A.. in the late 1700's if you remenber your history.

My God COL!!! I think the world must be coming to an end. We actually agree on something.
on Jan 10, 2005

Reply #22 By: whoman69 - 1/8/2005 12:13:11 PM
ok I am going to endevor to be succient and nice at the same time'

now we know you're lying

THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD THOUGHT SADDAM had weapons of mass destruction......... Bush did not lie ..... I respect your right to not like bush , to disagree with bush but FOR GODS SAKE MAN GET OVER IT........

and you just proved the lie in your next statement. you are the one who needs to get over it. where are the weapons? you bought into a bluff. and now you're buying into a lie. don't give me some crap about how they went to syria. we mapped every inch of iraq with satellites and there has been no evidence. Every reason for going to war has been debunked, only the lies and the dead remain.

Your the one buying into the myth. Have you so soon forgotten the 23 high performance MIG jet fighters they found buried in the sand outside of Bagdahd?
on Jan 10, 2005

Reply #22 By: whoman69 - 1/8/2005 12:13:11 PM
ok I am going to endevor to be succient and nice at the same time'

now we know you're lying

THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD THOUGHT SADDAM had weapons of mass destruction......... Bush did not lie ..... I respect your right to not like bush , to disagree with bush but FOR GODS SAKE MAN GET OVER IT........

and you just proved the lie in your next statement. you are the one who needs to get over it. where are the weapons? you bought into a bluff. and now you're buying into a lie. don't give me some crap about how they went to syria. we mapped every inch of iraq with satellites and there has been no evidence. Every reason for going to war has been debunked, only the lies and the dead remain.

Your the one buying into the myth. Have you so soon forgotten the 23 high performance MIG jet fighters they found buried in the sand outside of Bagdahd?
on Jan 10, 2005

King Bee wrote: " if your mafia theory is valid, maybe we can buy em off? "

At this point, I'd prefer killing them.... The death squads will target the leaders. This will be very effective.

At any rate, it is not so much a "mafia" theory, as it is a "thug" culture theory. I've said that to focus only on Islamic totalitarianism as the fuel driving the insurgency misses the mark. The thug culture is born out of a mindset that believes in the proverb "power is protection & protection is power." This speaks volumes about the nature of that society.

Before the invasion, the Batthist party was not the exclusive power in Iraq. It merely had the biggest guns, and got to wear the label of state. Thugs also had power in Iraq. Their power ran - so to speak- parallel to the government's; thugs largely do their business in the shadows.
Now that the Batthist party has been forced from power, they also operate in the shadows.
Hence, we have three distinct groups working together in the shadows: Bathist, thugs, and fundamentalist. Understand your foe and exploit his weaknesses.

Money is power. Earlier on, had the thugs been offered say... one third of Iraq's oil profits? If a big shot thug orders the kids & men in his neighborhood to stand down, they would follow his order: faling to understanidng this has caused 1300 plus dead Americans.

on Jan 10, 2005
The ONLY reason we should have gone into Iraq was to make America safer. That is not what has happened and thus the Bush policy is a failure. If Iraq truns into another anti America-West government when the dust settles, we loose a second time.
on Jan 10, 2005
In any case, the USA has killed more civillians in the last 16 months than the total score of Saddam in 20 years. Just today we heard of a house in Mosul being "wasted". How long do the people of Iraq have to live in fear of two ruthless killing machines.

I'd like to see proof of that.
on Jan 10, 2005
Reading many of the comments here leads be to belive that the people who coined the phrases 'There's a sucker born everyday' and 'People are generally stupid' really has some truth about it.

At Central Michigan University there has been a debate raging now for nearly 2 decades over the 'Chippewa' mascot name. We dont have any 'Chippewa' logo or anything such (thanks liberal whackos). The logo is a 'Flying C' as it were, and the name is the only thing used. Every year we get a new batch of 18 year old kids who latch onto the liberal mind(fuck)set and join in arms in protesting the use of the name and demand a change. What's highly irritating is that EVERY YEAR (like clockwork) the papers have a story about it, and NO ONE bothers to ask the dang Chippewa tribe what it's views are. This past year was different, however. CMLife, the local student run newspaper - which has several moderate editors - decided to go out to the reservation and ask the tribe officials what they thought of it. Shockingly (sarcasm) they had no issue with the use of the name and stated that they were actually proud that such an institution was using their name. The Tribe official who was interviewed also stated that if they had ever had issue with it, they would have brought it up. THEY WOULD HAVE BROUGHT IT UP.

So all you fruitcakes who are making all these wild claims about what is being done over there - have any of you bothered to go over and talk to these people? Has there been a comprehensive survey of these people to find out WHAT THEY THINK?

On a final note, you arabs in Iraq need to figure out what the hell you want. Youre like teenagers trying to figure out if you really want to date Bobby Teenager, or go out with Joe Sixpack. OMGBBQ Who do I take to the dance?!

You either accept the US's help, or assemble and cry out for our expulsion. And people, 100 people out of an entire country is hardly a majority. If you WANT help from the U.S. then get behind them, stop being panty wastes and fight against your own people who are DOING THE KILLING. I would hardly assume that being of Arab decent means having a lack of rational thought. If people are bombing your election booths, wouldnt it make sense to stop them?
on Jan 10, 2005
Tell me Andrew

Who should we be asking ?

the dead US marines?
the seriously wounded and mamed marines?

maybe the countless dead Iraqis?
maybe the seriously wounded and mamed Iraqis?

maybe the mothers who have lost sons, daughters, husbands, children?

So who exactly should we ask Andrew?

I suspect if you woke the dead or spoke to the remaining living they would answer that to replace one fear with another; to jump from one fire to another, is quite frankly, an unacceptable proposition.

I am sure they would ask that you assist them by providing a viable alternative that has sufficient foresight, preparation and planning to ensure a successful outcome.

The intentions of the senators and the people that voted to go to war, were honourable. Unfortunately their support was based on misinformation and propoganda. So sadly, the good and honourable intentions of the American people have been laid to waste and ridicule by an inept administration!
on Jan 10, 2005
Oh andrew, I see what you want me to do. You want me to hop into my fighter jet parked out back, sneak into Guantamano Bay, sneak past all the armed gaurds, and candidly ask the people if they are being tortured. You want me to fly into the heartland of Iraq, you want me to fly to Osama Bin Laden, and ask him what his motives are. Never mind the fact that he has stated the fact that he thinks we are evil for medling with their business. Never mind he says we are evil for our adultrated support of Israel. Never mind what countless journalists and writers have recorded. Instead, lets attack some people! This reminds me of a tatoo mentioned in Law and Order. Business is good on one arm, killing is our business on the other. Thats you. You like to snipe at people while you sit there with an empty brain.
on Jan 11, 2005
What a sad, sad state of affairs.

Ask the people of Iraq of course. My post was aimed at nothing more than stating that those with concerns should be asking the people of Iraq what they truely want from this point, rather than making assumptions on their behalf.

Instead of taking what I said into consideration, I get two lovely passionate flaming posts in reply.

sandy2, go have some hot tea, relax and chill. Your ramblings are nothing more than a canned response to a post which must have threatened you in some fashion. Your reply had nothing to do with my post.

You two are missing the point of my post completely.

The United States Armed Forces are now a force in Iraq. Nothing can undo that. Rant all you like about why it happened and how evil and unjust it is. Rant until your heart's content. But nothing is going to change that fact.

I'll now digress. Feel free to 'tear me to shreds verbally' as it were. I'm much more interested in rational, polite debate than overly passionate flame-bait.
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