All over the world people are reading alarming news coming out of Karbala, Iraq. Three days age, the Anglo-American Forces launched a combined attack on Karbala. TThe British, who unlike the Americans are somewhat sensitive to world public opinion,for the first time decided to use their air force against the civillian piopulation of Karbala. The US ariforce has trained bombs and cluster boms at civillian target in Falujjah and other places including Bagdad, but this is the first time since the War began that the Royal Air Force is being deployed. This at a time when even Republicans like Biden have started speaking out against the War. In fact the ratings of Bush has dropped below 40% and there is no letup.
The combined troops are conducting door to door searches and the civillian loss of life is horrendous. Dodies are left rotting on the streets and no Iraqi male from6 to60 feels safe from the AngloAmerican troops who have been authorises to use extreme force in the search and destroy operations. The loss of the lives of children is particularly sad and the Iraqis are bracinfg themselves for the worst. This city has a substantial number of Baa'th Party loyalists and the struggle is deadly.
The Iraqi War has already been lost and it is time for the Americans to come home. Mission Accomplished, in deed.