Afghanistan and the War against Terrorism
The downing of the Chinook chopper a few days back came as a surprise because the war in Afghanistan is really a forgotten war with the World's attention centered on Iraq .Reality has a way of forcing itself and the incident last week did just that. The fact is that American strategy is too closely tied to the survival of the Ahmed Karzai regime and it is well known that except for Kabul and parts of Kandhahar the Afghasn National army controls little teritory. Therefore the reliance on the US troops. Unfortunately even the intelligence that is available is not reliable and there is every reason to believe that the helicopter and the ground unit that went in search of the downed chopper were actually ambushed i e they walked into a trap.
The war in Iraq has made it difficult for the US political leadership to concentrate on the hunt for Bin Laden and the remanents of the Taliban who have just melted away into the rugged mountainous territory towarsds the South.This is the region the Greeks called Gedrosia and even Alexander the Macedonian conqueror found it impossible to hold. In spite of a few publisised instances, the seizure of nacotic drugs only indicates the narco capitalism is flourishing in this country. 90% of the opium and heroin that is smuggled into Europe comes from this region. By giving cash incentives to the poppy growers to stop the cultivation of narcotic plants, the Karzai regime is actually encouraging the cultivation of Poppy. Farmers cultivate the drug surrender apart of it collect the reward and sell the rest.