This blog explores the contemporary political and cultural trends from a distinct perspective
Published on September 11, 2005 By Bahu Virupaksha In Politics
The hurricane has left a devastated landscape in Mark Twain country. Now that the task of Relief has begun the political questions will now be raised. So close to 9/11 comparisons with that event will be inevitable. 9/11 gave President Bush the much needed oppotunity to look presidential and strike heroic poses in front of the World Trade Center ruins 4 years back. Katrina on the other hand revealed the incomprable incompetence of FEMA whose Director, a college roommate of Allbaugh,has been caught by TIME Magazine for having fudged his CV. Republicans are notorious for rewarding high level agency appointments to party apparatichiks, in a style reminicent of the machine politics of the bad old days. An incompetent Director left the American people totally inprepared for the Hurrcane and all that the White House spokeman can say time and time again, We do not want to paly the blame game". This is nothing short of evasion of accountablity.

Iraq is another nightmare for this Administration. In spite of nearly 2 years of American Occupation and with a pliant Quisling Governemnt in place the USA is moving ahead with its paln to have the New Iraqi constitution in place by October 2005. The privatisation of the Iraqi Oil Resources seems to be the most dominant feature of the new constitution. The grantings of regional autonomy to Kurdish and Shia areas seems to have been done with a view to the eventual dismantling of the Arab state of Iraq and its replacement by two or even three ethnic states. The influence of Iran is bound to increase after this sham constitution is set in place. However, the insurgency is not likely to be contained, on the contrary, it is likely to get new adherents.

In both Iraq and Katrina we see the utter fasilure of the Bush Administration. It was unpreapred for a Natural Disaster and has created a huge human tragedy in Iraq. Just a thought: Seeing Biloxi and New Orleans people can imagine what normallife is for the Iraqis."

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 14, 2005
Had there not been this storm, Bush would still NEVER have begun the needed repairs. The cost was far too much for the state to cover and this port serves the entire nation. Those two issues made it a Federal issue that Bush was NOT addressing!

I flushed the other day and the damn toilet paper was too thick & squeezably soft. The frickin' bowl overflowed & got shit all over my feet. God damn that no-good coke-snortin' son-of-a-bitch Bush. If he had just pushed through Congress a Toilet Paper Reduction Act, my feet might still smell OK.

It's all about the shit, you know - Bush's in the pocket of the mega-plumbing companies. They own his ass and would stand to lose a lot if shitters stopped overflowing. And I hear Halliplumbing got a no-bid contract for the Pentagon. Asswipes.

on Sep 15, 2005
Bush did NOTHING to rebuild the levees and in fact did less then Clinton by cutting the funding. He did NOTHING despite the two studies he had prpared that showed what needed to be done and what would happen if a major storm hit New Orleans without rebuilding the levees. If we had no storm in New Orleans before Jen 20, 2009, we would not have begun the rebilding the Bush studies said were needed. All he can do is spend 10 to 15 time what fixing New Orleans would have cost on Iraq. Look at what happened in Iraq Yeaterday. 150 killed and over 300 injured. Anyone that believes we are gaining control in Iraq,is NUTS!
on Sep 15, 2005

Bush did NOTHING to rebuild the levees and in fact did less then Clinton by cutting the funding. He did NOTHING despite the two studies he had prpared that showed what needed to be done and what would happen if a major storm hit New Orleans without rebuilding the levees. If we had no storm in New Orleans before Jen 20, 2009, we would not have begun the rebilding the Bush studies said were needed. All he can do is spend 10 to 15 time what fixing New Orleans would have cost on Iraq. Look at what happened in Iraq Yeaterday. 150 killed and over 300 injured. Anyone that believes we are gaining control in Iraq,is NUTS!

And just what in God's good name does Iraq have to do with New Orlean's leeves? Or are we just on a yet another bash Bush fest?
on Sep 15, 2005
Anyone that believes we are gaining control in Iraq,is NUTS!

Col, you don't read beyond what the MSM tells you. Do you take time and read the real progress in Iraq, or just what CNN and the NYT tells you?

The local governments could have fixed the levee problem col. They chose not too. Now that something happened they want to blame the federal government for not solving their problem. Typical liberal reaction.
on Sep 15, 2005
Once again Colon Gene, you fart out responses that make it look like Congress has no real role in anything, they just sit around waiting for word from the White House. Your total idiocy is only matched by your willingness to avoid any semblence of reality in your opinions.
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