It has become common knowledge that Bush and the Bushmen are losing ground rather rapidly. Come November and the Democrats will be in a strong position in both houses. However, it will be more accurate to say that Bush is slipping due to certain fundamental policy snafus: the Democrats are gaining by default. They have hardly come up with a single sensible solution to either the immigration issue on the policy towarsd Iraq. The monumental failures of Bush is making the Democrats look like statesmen. What are those monumental failures?
The response of Bush and his Bushmen to Katrina was woefully inadequate. The hurricane exposed the fact that in spite of having adequate warning about a category 5 storm heading toward Louisianna, Bush did little to mobilise the Federal Government for the tragedy. The FEMA proved to be totally ineffective. So the hurricane will takes its toll this November in political terms.
Second, Bush tried and utterly failed to reform social security. His plan was essentially to privatise Social Security. This measure collapsed within a few months after it was launched. Come November the eclectorate will remember the abject manner in which Bush attempted to dismantle the social security system.
Third, Iraq. This is the sinle most important reason for the fast eroding public rating of Bush. The civil war is raging on. Malaki may well become the Prime Mihnister of the Green Zone in Baghdad but that will amke no difference to the Civil War. The Governemt in Iraq is considered by the average Iraqi to be a quisling government and commands absolutely no respect on the streets of Baghdad. The Generals have not helped by making loud noises about the conduct of the war. Even if Donald Rumsfeldt is shown the door the fact is that it will not help Bush gain the political initiative. And now the price of gas is soaring beyond all limits. Bush is certainly not hepling matters by constantly harping on Iran. In fact the USA needs Iran tom arrange a politcal settlement in Iraq and hence it is being unwise by alienating Iran.
Will the Democrats gain in these elections in November? It is as yet difficult to predict. Nearly 8 to 10 percentage points swing in favor of the Democrats is needed for them to win. However should Bush decided to gain political advantage by escalating the war in Iran things may change.