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Statecraft and Wordcraft
This blog explores the contemporary political and cultural trends from a distinct perspective
Published on May 9, 2006 By
Bahu Virupaksha
The embedded journalists from the USA and UK are doing a great disservice to their own people by consciously hiding the untold suffering of the people of Iraq in the face of American occupation. The impact of the war and the insurgency have been devastating on women and children. It is really sickening to see fat well fed Iraqi men, Quislings all of them, appear on Western TV and mouth innanities about the great job that is being done by the coalition. The pictures from Basra put paid to such extravagance. The Western media used to foment identity politics in Iraq between Sunnis and Shiaas, were quite unpreparted to see Shiaas out on the streets dancing over the burnt out sheell of the RAF chopper. The British troops retaliated with excessive force and killed 15 children and women. The Western media admits only 5 killed in the ensuing carnage.
The truth from Iraq is bitter and it is the truth of Auchwitz, Dachau and Triblinka. A holocaust is unfolding in Iraq and it is the women and children who face the brunt of it. Every night after sundown the US and their Iraqi collaborators invade the homes of people, especially Sunni homes, and in the pretext of searching for arms ransack and humiliate the people living there. Any Sunni male between 15 to 50 is carted away and several times their dead bidies turn up in the fieds around Bagdad. An unwriteen policy of ethnic cleansing in underway and the US administration is complicit in several acts of gfroos human rights violations. The US Media engaged in innanities over Rumsfeldt and the CIA has neither the time nor inclination to highlight the real situation in Iraq. The safety of the Green Zone does not permit the luxury of seeking out the truth.
The void is noaw filled by film makers who with home video, cell phones, handy cams,webcams and the like are documenting the atrocities that the USA and UK are inflicting on innocent Iraqis. Most of these film makers hide their identity as they fear both the Americans and the Insurgents who are alternatively support the US coalition or operate on their own. Children from the age of 6 suffer the psychological trauma of seeing their parents killed in front of their eyes. Symptoms of body tremors are becoming common among choldren. It is of course well known that involuntary body tremor is a sure sign of nervous breakdown. Women who have lost their husbands are being forced into prostitution in order to feed their children left fatherl;ess in a cruel and violent Iraq.
Travel from one city to another is becoming difficult because the Americans have put up road blocks everywhere. The only escape route is the desert and even their when groups are found crossing the desert they are strafed by US military helicopters. The people of Iraq have been turned into targets fror US and UK moilitary machine. One of the film makers has done a short and chilling story of a 8 year onld girl who was picked up by the American marines in the desetrs outside Baghdad. Her father was killed by the marines and the little girl herself was held for nearly 6 months by the marines until her Grandfather was able to track her down and rescue her. All the while the child was forced to view photographs of corpses and identify them. Such abuse of choldren is becoming rampant in Iraq today and are war crimes like any other.
The fact is undr Saddam Hussein women dad made great progress towars economic and social equality. The US occupation of Iraq is forcing women back into the hijab and the fact is the Americans are in alliance with Shiaa clerics who are forcing such reggressive measures.
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on May 09, 2006
BTW are you having fun spreading the "biggest" bunch of LIES I've ever had the displeasure of reading
The truth from Iraq is bitter and it is the truth of Auchwitz, Dachau and Triblinka. A holocaust is unfolding in Iraq and it is the women and children who face the brunt of it. Every night after sundown the US and their Iraqi collaborators invade the homes of people, especially Sunni homes, and in the pretext of searching for arms ransack and humiliate the people living there. Any Sunni male between 15 to 50 is carted away and several times their dead bidies turn up in the fieds around Bagdad. An unwriteen policy of ethnic cleansing in underway and the US administration is complicit in several acts of gfroos human rights violations. The US Media engaged in innanities over Rumsfeldt and the CIA has neither the time nor inclination to highlight the real situation in Iraq. The safety of the Green Zone does not permit the luxury of seeking out the truth.
Good thing you can't be sued for writing this garbage.
on May 09, 2006
The fact is undr Saddam Hussein women dad made great progress towars economic and social equality. The US occupation of Iraq is forcing women back into the hijab and the fact is the Americans are in alliance with Shiaa clerics who are forcing such reggressive measures.Link
if you consider the sons of saddam raping women and children at will and call that progress. hmmmmmmmmm
on May 09, 2006
And I thought Col was terrible. Even Col wouldn't go to this extent, I think.
This whole article is based on the view of a single woman who traveled to Iraq and saw some of the down side of things. But I guess we all keep forgeting that we are at war in Iraq with insurgents. But that does not matter, it is our fault that these people continue to attack and not allow Iraq to become a better country. It is them who do not let the Iraqi Gov't give their people the help they need. It is them who will not stop attacks and allow the Iraqi people to return to a normal life. If they could only stop fighting and allow us to do our work so we can leave but instead they chose to keep fighting, killing their own people, destroying their own country, dying for no reason. But we are the bad ones. We are the ones going around killing Iraqi people just for the fun of it, we are the ones not giving them food, medical help and other necesities. Yes, the American people are the greatest monsters ever known to roam this world.
Bahu Virupaksha
You don't attack just Bush or his Administration like some do here on this site. You have put every single person considered an American Citizen in the same boat as monsters, criminals, murderers, immoral and the worst thing ever to exist on this planet. You defend a man who has done worst things in 1 day than any president of the US in all their years in the White House. This is the most saddest thing I have ever come to understand from anyone. But I guess I can't expect anything less from people like you.
on May 10, 2006
More breathless melodrama from Bahu.
No doubt about it, the US media have been doing everything they can to sell this war to the American public. Yup.
Bahu Virupaksha
on May 10, 2006
You defend a man who has done worst things in 1 day than any president of the US in all their years in the White House. This is the most saddest thing I have ever come to understand from anyone. But I guess I can't expect anything less from people like you.
if you consider the sons of saddam raping women and children at will and call that progress. hmmmmmmmmm
The sons of Saddam paid for their crimes with death. Now you can say that since Saddam and his sons were bad that justified the US invasion. It does not. The Iraqis are capable of dealing with Saddam and his sons. You probably forget that Uday the more notorious of Saddam's sons was nearly assasinated soon after the first Gulf War.
I have never ever defended Saddam and his criminal regime. It is just that US occupation is far worse than Saddam's criminal regime ever was. It is simple as that.
Bahu Virupaksha
on May 10, 2006
But that does not matter, it is our fault that these people continue to attack and not allow Iraq to become a better country. It is them who do not let the Iraqi Gov't give their people the help they need. It is them who will not stop attacks and allow the Iraqi people to return to a normal life. If they could only stop fighting
Blaming the victim will not do. The fact of the matter is that the USA is the dominant power in Iraq. If it cannot control the situation let it declare victory and get out. The pretext of WMD justified the invasion. Now that we know that those weapons do not exist, why then the delay in withdrawing.
on May 10, 2006
#5 by Bahu Virupaksha
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
have never ever defended Saddam and his criminal regime. It is just that US occupation is far worse than Saddam's criminal regime ever was. It is simple as that.
if it was only "simple as that" how about the many many mass graves found? How about saddam using WMD"S on his own people? How about him using them same WMD"S agaibst Iran?
How about people getting their tongues cut out by saddam?
How about people getting hands and feet cut off bu saddam?
How about all the children raped {6 to 10 year old females}, by saddam and his family?
How about saddam building 12 palaces while his people starved to death?
on May 10, 2006
It's sad the lengths you'll go to Bahu. You are better than this.
on May 10, 2006
The sons of Saddam paid for their crimes with death
And just "who" did that? You only get one guess.
on May 10, 2006
It is just that US occupation is far worse than Saddam's criminal regime ever was. It is simple as that.
What piffle. Pathetic.
on May 10, 2006
The sons of Saddam paid for their crimes with death.
And that means what, that we just forget about it? Remember they didn't die before the war, they died during the war.
Now you can say that since Saddam and his sons were bad that justified the US invasion. It does not. The Iraqis are capable of dealing with Saddam and his sons. You probably forget that Uday the more notorious of Saddam's sons was nearly assasinated soon after the first Gulf War.
24 years that Saddam was in power and you are saying that the Iraqis were capable of dealing with him? Your ignorance is impresive, and I thought Col was special when it came to that. Fidel castro has been the President of Cuba for around 46 years, he holds the world record for most assasination attempts against him, the Cuban people cand deal with him, what makes you think the Iraqi people could deal with saddam?
I have never ever defended Saddam and his criminal regime. It is just that US occupation is far worse than Saddam's criminal regime ever was. It is simple as that.
By stating that things were better off with Saddam you are defending him. You need not to say the exact words to make others understand your point. You should learn that. And the Occupation is not far worse cause things are improving, the people are chosing. You didn't really expect things to go perfect did you?
Blaming the victim will not do. The fact of the matter is that the USA is the dominant power in Iraq. If it cannot control the situation let it declare victory and get out.
And how exactly do you declare victory when there are still things to be done? To think that our boys are giving their lives to make sure Iraq has a decent Gov't and people like you spit on them like they were worthless people. I'm shamed to even be addressing you.
Bahu Virupaksha
on May 19, 2006
More breathless melodrama from Bahu
John Mutha has investigated these charges and has been asking for a Senatorial Proble. Now the Iraq War is not a small matter to become a polemical point between Democrats and Republicans. Innocent people are being killed in a war financed by the American tax payer without the backing or legitimacy of International Law.
Bahu Virupaksha
on May 19, 2006
BTW are you having fun spreading the "biggest" bunch of LIES I've ever had the displeasure of reading
These are not LIES as you call them. Remember that denial of the Holocaust is done by calling the Nazi Extermination Program as LIes. The same sort of thing is being done here. Of course there are no extermination camps, but the number of people who have been killed in American custody is not pretty. Try my friend, to study what is happening in Iraq. Do not blindly label anything you disagrrwe as LIES. Senator John Murtha is on record condemning these atrocities.
Island Dog
on May 19, 2006
Why wasn't Al-Murtha investigating "atrocities" when Saddam was in power, or while the U.N. was killing Iraqis while stealing oil?
on May 19, 2006
Senator John Murtha is on record condemning these atrocities
Excuse me but again you talk "before" you know all the facts. Murtha is right up there with Pelosi and both are being hammered for their stance on this. And I stand by what I said. It's a pack of lies. Unless you can show proof to the contrary?
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