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A blow to the Insugency
Published on June 8, 2006 By Bahu Virupaksha In Current Events
Today the US notched up a major success in its "war against terror". The Jordanian terrorist Al Zarqawi was killed in an air strike near Bagdad. With the exit of Al Zarqawi, it now is certain that a major threat to the existing Iraqi regime has been removed. It appears from initial reports that the entire leadership of the Al Qaeda in Iraqi has been removed in one fell blow. What are the implications of this development.

First, in the short run at least the Iraqi regime and its American backers can breathe easy. Zarqawi was the strategist behingd the Sunni Insurgency and with his death a major hurdle has certainly been claered.

Second, the fact that the Coalition had precise information about the meeting in which Zarqawim was to participate shows that the present Iraqi regime has penetrated the thick veil of secrecy and probably there are spies of th e regime olready in place. This development will certainly leadd to a lot of shake up in the ranks of the Insurgents and hence their capacity to strike will in the short run be reduced.

Third, there is every possibility that Zarqawi will be repalced by another equallly charismatic leader, but it is unlikely that he would be able to strike with such ease as the now dead Zarqawi.

The Insurgecy will be crippled by this event and there is no doubt that at long last the coalition has killed aknown terrorist and not inocent civilians as it did in Haditha.

on Jun 08, 2006
Good Analysis!  INsightful.
on Jun 08, 2006
Very good analysis Bahu, you almost had me fooled that there was a chance you could be level headed about all this. You wrote a very insightful, intelligent article about a major success in our war effort to free Iraq and purge it of those who travelled to that country for no other reason than to terrorize a nation.

The bacteria have no plan for Iraq, they are doing nothing good for the people. They don't build anything, only target civilians....

So why is your heart with them? Why do you quickly condemn the entire coalition for the deaths of 24 people but excuse the meanlingless slaughter of everyone the bacteria has killed?
on Jun 09, 2006
but excuse the meanlingless slaughter of everyone the bacteria has killed?

Al Zarqawi was aiming at using the Sunnis against the Shiaas and that strategy had led to the death of nealy 1,400 people in the month of May 2006 alone. Rhe total figure runs in the hundreds of thousands. While I have always said that killing innocents is wrong, there is no need to feel that Zarqawi represents anything more than a ruthless killer bent on killing and mayhem.

The Insurgency has been dented in Iraq and hopefully the feaR OF THE SUNNI / SHIAA sectarian strife.
on Jun 09, 2006


I do not see what is disgusting. Writing an analysis of the Zarqawi death or your response.
on Jun 09, 2006
I need to pick myself up off the floor. Bahu, you surprise me.

Thanks for showing that not only can you recognize evil but you applaud the destruction of evil when it happens.
on Jun 10, 2006
I have always found Riverbend, an Iraqi woman quite insightful as she provides a perspective thast is different. Here is a link to her blog on ZarqawiLink