November Elections will go to the Democrats
The going hasd not been better for the Democrats if only they get their act together. The Democratsd have taken 11 percentage point lead over the Repuli8cans and the Republicans do not even have a strategy to respond to the Fo9ley Affair. I do not call this a scandalo because Mark Foley by no means misused his position to proposition thye cdongressional page, something Bill Clinton did in his affair withy MONICA. The Repulicans are behasving like a buch of scared buffaloes, trampling over each other rtathert than providing a seasoned response. So this issue will work in favor of the Democrats.
The policy of the Bushy Administrationh over North Korea has been a total failure, Instaed of engaging directly with the regime thye Bush Administration chose the 6 partty platform and this pro9ved to be a non starter. The Korean nPeninsu7la has become far more dangerou7s now than it was before Bush and the Bushmen came on to thye sdcene. The nuclear test conducted by North Korea painfully exposes the limits of American power and the Bush adminisrtration has run out of options. Sanctions will not have any effect becausde North Korea has littler by6 way o9f I*nternational trade.
Iraq has become the symbols of all that is wrong with the policy of Bush and the Bushmen. They6 invaded a country on a false pretext and created so much chaos thyat everyday nearly 100 bodies are been found in Baghdad alone. The US troop-s are being killed and the Iraqi Army exists only on paper.
All these issues show the utter incompetence of George Bush and has resultrd in USA becoming increasingly isolated in all parts of the Free Wo9rld.