Can Iraq be saved from Doom
A cynic might say that instead of the US troops withdrawing from Iraq it is time for the Iraqis to wihtdraw from Iraq given the utter chaos that the so called coalition of the willing has wrought in Iraq. Everyday nearly 3000 to 4000 Iraqis are feeling from their homes due to the unsettled conditions prevailing. The US troo[s are not in a position to maintain peace and their very presence is gfueling more violence. THe US and Britain have now become part of the problem and any solution will have to be based on a scenario that excludes both. The Iraqi study group mandated to study the problem does not even seem to understand that the Sunnis and Shiass both want the US troops out. Discredited politicians like al Maliki do not speak for the people of Iraq and the power of the Government of the Grren Zone is based on the presence of US troops of occupation.
The Baker-Hamilton Report seems implicitly to shift the blame for the violence on to the Iraqis themselves. Both Syria and Iran are taking in huge numbers of refugees from Iraq and they are doing this without calling on the UN to help with the relief. The casuality of the US led invasion is the UN system itself which has lost all credibility in the region.
After 3 years not even one brigade of Iraqi Army is ready and even the few troops who are combat ready will not defend the al-Maliki regime. So the US tactic of training an Iraqi army and hope that it will defend the pro -US quislings in the Green Zone is just so much pollyanna thinking.Further, the Report speaks of nearly 70% of the population being opposed to the very presence of the US troops. This means that the long term objective of having an American base in Iraq will not materialise.
The Baker-Hamilton Report quite rightly advocated withdrawal of troops but does not suggest a timetable fopr such a withdrawal.Maliki and Talabani know very well the fate that awaits them should the US troops withdraw and therefore are attacking the Report. On one point the Report is spot on. It rejects the identity based fanaticism that the US invasion has spawned. A return to Sunni dominance seems the only way out and it would take a miracle to achieve that and of coursr the US has outlawed miracles.
There is every fear that the Saudis will intervene on behalf of the Sunnis and that will be the signal for the Iranians to step up theri presence in the regiion. The Report speaks of amnesty for the resistance. This will be a sour point because the Resistance will naturally include many who have opposed the US invasion and to use the loadede language of a US senator, "have American blood on their hands".
All told the killing is set to continue.