There is no real ubstitute for Petrol
Ever since George Bush talked about American "addiction to oil" there has been a flurry of policy statements about alternative fuels, particularly plant or cereal based organic extracts that can be blended with petrol to make alternate fuels. Like many of Bush's policy steaments and policies this quest for alternate fuel has been launched with cynical indifference to the dislocation this shift would cause to the world's food supply. The price of American corn has already begun to rise in the international grain market and this is because of the diversion of the corn produced to manufacture blended fuels kike ethanol. Brazil is another early pioneer in the research for blended fuels and there is signs of social unrest brought about by the large scale conversion of farmland for the production of corn for the fuel industry,
It is a fact of nature that the world's best farmlands are located in the northern hemisphere. The fast conversion of farmland to produce bio fuels is certain to create uncertainity in the sources of food supply. Having taken the oil from the Middle East there will
be nothing left in the OPEC countries and the middle east will have to import food from the countries of the temperate zone. In fact the Arab politicians have not woken up to the challenge posed by the innocuous quest for a substitute for petroleum.
The immediate danger lies in the shrinking of the worls food supply when large scale conversion of prime agricultural land into fuel plantation takes palce. And Asia and Africa will be the worst hit.