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Why the pollsters got it wrong
Published on January 10, 2008 By Bahu Virupaksha In Politics
Everyine blames the poor pollsters for predicting an outright win for Barack Obama in the New Hampshire primaries. In fact he got 37% of the ballots cast, exactly as predicted by the opinion polls. The figures for Hilary Clinton were wrong and were off target by 13 % points. Everone expected Obama to win and with the momentum of 2 victories he was to sail through to South Carolina where the African American votes were his for the taking. That at least was the conventional wisdom. But the upset victory of Clinton has made the best laid plans go horribly wrong.

Hi;ary Clinton has a formidable political advisor in Bill and no one can underestimate his political savvy and skills. He enjoys tremendous popularity in New Hamphire, afterall he was the original "comeback kid". Hilary Clinton made a concerted effort to reap the unattached votes and the votes of women and she succeeded. It appears that white voters are not quite able o overcome the rascial issue and while they may state publically that they will vote for Obama, but in the privacy of the booth choose a more comfortable candidate. Obama has a lot of support amonmg the young professionals and the nore educated, but Hilary has solid ground support the sort of people who will get out the vote.

John Edwards has said that he will remein in the race. This means that the anti Clinton votes will be split and that will ceratainly help Hilary in her bid.

This is turning out to be an interesting race.

on Jan 10, 2008

It is not Bill. Or Obama or Edwards.  It was the W&W effect.

Whine and Wilder.

on Jan 11, 2008
I do know it is early days to predict, but assuming that Hilary Clinton or Obama get the Democratic nomination, then I feel that the Republicans willmore than a fighting chance of retaining the White House.