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Vote Kerry
Published on September 29, 2004 By Bahu Virupaksha In History
On November 4 2004 the fate of the world will be sealed. It would be an unmitigated disaster for the US and the world if the present incumbent is elected. I have spoken a moment too soon. Was he ever elected to begin with. The polls in Florida conducted under Jeb were flawd and had the counting proceeded in accordance with procedure I am sure Al Gore would have been the President and not Bush Jr. This is not the time to dwell on the past, think of the future.

This Friday tne Debates begin, and the Iraq War will figure very prominently.. Of course, Kerry voted for sending the troops, but this was done on the basis of flawed and probably, willfully doctored CIA reports, and hence he should not be defensive about the vote. As von Clausewitz once said "offence is the best kind of defence".

Immediate withdrawal from Iraq is neither possible noe even desireable, but the situation calls for greater involvement of the EU and the UN. I am sure that Kerry can ride home to victory on this point.

On polling Day, if the turn out is high, then Kerry will surely enter the White House. Suburban middle class Americans must get out and vote, and each one must mobilize at least two fellow voters to cast their ballot. Kerry"s hopes lie in a large turn out on polling day.

It is not only the future of the US that is being decided on this day. The future of IIraq, the Middle East and of course tne entire region."

on Oct 04, 2004
Bahu, you're gonna be vilified for stating this. Most of the joeusers here are deranged republican ideological dubya neocon fascist supporters.

But, I agree with you. Completely.
on Oct 05, 2004
Thanks. Yet the Truth must be told not once but over and over again. Anyway even the Republican neocons are slowly becoming aware that the War is going nowhere and Kerry is coasting Home to VICTORY.
on Oct 05, 2004
I think a lot of "suburban middle class" Americans would swing more conservative. Perhaps I'm wrong on that, but it's my hunch.