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Kerry coastinge to VICTORY
Published on October 3, 2004 By Bahu Virupaksha In Democrat
The Presidential debate held in Florida is over. As expected the Debate was dominated by issues relating to National Security and Homeland Defence. Bush tried in vain to deliver knock out punches, but in vain. Kerry obviously squirmed when Bush brought out his support for the Iraq War. As I have shown in my earlier Blog this is really a non issue because Bush provided motivated briefs to the Congress.

Kerry performed very well throughout the Debate and came out looking more Presidential that the grimacing, smirking Bush. The poise and dignity shown by Kerry will certainly win him converts even among the ranks of Republicans who are sick of the body count in Iraq.The higher the turnout on Voting Day, the chances of Bush II will to that extent diminish and the world will be safer. Kerry rightly stated that the Iraq War has made the middle east a safe haven for Terrorists of all colours, and ideologies.

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