Recent Attacks in Fallujah
The War in Iraq is as good as lost. With every passing day tne support within Iraq for the American war effort is coming down. The real reason for this is the dispropotionate use of force in civillian areas by the "coalition forces". Whole blocks of residential areas have been destroyed in the spate of attaks in Fallujah. The American do not venture anywhere near the city after 2 in the afternoon when the Resistance Forces take over the streets. Theis is affecting the morale of the troops, and under a pall of frustration the ground command aks for areal attacks. In one such attack 22 members of a single family were killed including children..
With such vicious attacks going on it is no wonder that the Game plan of the US has started unravelling. The Allawi government may be well intetioned but it does not have any credibility.