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New Direction Needed
Published on March 6, 2008 By Bahu Virupaksha In Current Events

In politics it does not always  pay to play fair and square and by now the Illinois senator, Barack Obama, must have realised thatrunning a positive civilised campaign against the likes of Bil and Hillary Clinton does not yeild the desired results. The senator himself blames the "kitchen sink" campaign of Hillary and her surrogate number 1, Bill Clinton. I think the camapign was far far worse. Take the 3 a.m. telephone advert, for example, it insuniates that Obama does not have the necessary competence to take the call. Pray what is Hillary Clinton's qualifications to take that call. She has shown that she will do anything to get power and she is not playing by the rules of the game. If the Obama people should go that route, and I am sure that they will not, she has a whole closet full of skeletons just waiting to tumble out. Dirty tricks is the main facor for the defeat in Ohio and Texas.

The timing of the primaries could not be worse for Barack Obama. The indictment of Roscoe for fraud did not help in the least. Though there is nothing to suggest that Obama or his campaign bebefitted from it. Obama distanced himself from Roscoe but not before the Clinton camp threw the muck around. Obama seems to be too idealistic and inspirational to respond to the Clintons in the language they best understand.

The formidable Obama coalition is in imminent danger of imploding. He has so far demonstrated his ability of carrying large sections of the society in a concerted manner.Clinton is beginning to exploit the "mutual contradictions" within the support base of Obama to her advantage. How else can we expalin the sesertion of the Lationa voters of Texas to Clinton in the last moment. And I am sure that Hillary Clinton will play the race card when it suits her.

There is a theory doing the rounds that conservative talks show hosts like Rush Limbaugh would like to see a Hillary vs Maccain encounter in the General elections due in November. And so states that have open primaries like Texas will be targetted for "strategic voting".  If this is true then there is need as I have argued elsewhere in my blog of need to reform the Primary system.


on Mar 07, 2008

Interesting theory.  My opinion is that you got some right, but missed others.  But atht is purely opinion.  You may be right all around, but I dont think Obama is that much of a nooby.  I think he has played "Mr. Nice Guy" because he could, and still win.  But now that he has lost, he may go down and dirty because he has to.

Already the "noobies" in the news are taking up the Clinton Mantra of seating the Florida and Michigan delegates.  Talking about disenfranchisement and all.  They sound oh so sincere, and like a holier than thou humanitarian.  And it makes me laugh.  If they really are that naive, they should not be reporting the news.  And if they are feigning ignorance, then they should not be reporting the news since they are clearly on the Clinton Payroll.

In either case, it is going to make this so much more fun to watch.  If Hillary does steal the nomination, that will probably be the best thing for blacks in the last 40 years as it just may wake them up that they have no power in the democrat party because they are a monolithic voting block.  And power comes from leverage.  So they can then leverage their block between the 2 parties and get real power.

As painful as it is for me to say this, the best thing for the country may be a hillary presidency.  not for what she will do, but for what it will cause.  A fever is not an illness, but an indication of the body curing itself.  And it is painful, but necessary.  Just as a hillary win may be.  By her own hook and crook (and totally unintentionally) she will do good, even as she tries to salve her over sized ego.

on Mar 07, 2008
So you don't think it's the Canadian Governement who shot down Obama?
on Mar 08, 2008

So you don't think it's the Canadian Governement who shot down Obama[/quote]quote]So they can then leverage their block between the 2 parties and get real power.

I think that the Black vote is no longer as monolithic as it once was. They are now beginning to use the clout that numbers give them to be effective in public sphere. I am hopeful of an Obama presidency because it will finally bury the demons of the past.

The Canadian Goverbnment was not involved at best it was the Chicago Consul and at worst a misguided aide to Obama.


on Mar 08, 2008
I suspect he got fewer votes. Could be wrong, but I'd bet on that as the reason.
on Mar 09, 2008

I suspect he got fewer votes. Could be wrong, but I'd bet on that as the reason.

Your humor is amazing. Yes this point is indeed original. I missed your  barbs and mischivious asides. Good to hear that you are OK.

on Mar 09, 2008

The latest problem to hit the Obama Campaign:the interview of Samantha Powers to BBC. She said in that interview that Obama as President will be guided by his profession advice and the situation on the ground. I cannot understand what is wrong in that. Had she said that Obama as President will do exactly as he promised during the Campign, the Clintons wopuld have labelled his position as naieve.