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Afghanistan and the War against Terrorism
Published on October 6, 2004 By Bahu Virupaksha In Politics
The attack on the Twin Towers on September 112001 was a major event in the history of Afganistan in that it led to the collapse of the so called Taliban regime. The world rightly condemned the barbaric and savage attack on a high profile civillian target. Yet the fact remains that the Al Qaeda and the Mujhahudeen were essentially creatures of the espionage establishment of the U S. like the proverbial monster that could not be tamed by its master, these two organozations once regarded as frontline soldiers in the war against "Soviet" dictatorship has now come to haunt the US.
The facts of history cannot be airbrushed out of the frame. In December 1979 the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in order to prevent Islamic fundamentalism from entering Soviet Central Asia after the Iranian Revolution.
The U S under Ronald Reagan began a cover operation in Afghanistan in order to create a "Vietrnam" for the Russians. This policy was of course successful.
With the exit of the Soviets the country became a fertile field for Islamic fundamentalism and the result is there for all to see.

on Oct 06, 2004
I have an article about one of the propaganda techniques used in Afghanistan.
