In the hustle and bustle of the financial cisis on Wall Street and the politics of the Bailout package that was recently passed by the US Congress one stark fact was sadly forgotten. The US National bebt has balooned beyond the figures in the Clock installed at Times Square, New York. When this Clock was installed in 1989 the US National Bebt stood at a mere 2.7 trillion US dollars: it now stands at nearly 10 trillion. And this figure is beyond the capacity of the clock insatlled at Times Square. This figure works out to be a per capita dwebt of nearly 40,000US $ per citizen of the country and is expected to cross quadrillion by the end of this year.
The 700 billion US $ bailout package will only add to this debt and with the subprime mortgage crisis still unresolved it is time for US economists to bid goodbue, at least for some time to the orthodoxies of neoliberal economics and start rereading the classics of economic thought and theory like Keynes, Joan Robinson, Hicks and Dalton.