This blog explores the contemporary political and cultural trends from a distinct perspective
Are the strikes justified
Published on December 29, 2008 By Bahu Virupaksha In Current Events

In today's world there is little sympathy for political struggles whose primary weapon is unmitigated and wanton attacks on civillians. In fact Islamic terrorism has undermined the sympathy many once had for the Palestenians and their dispalcement from Arab lands and even here one may probably make out a strong case that the Arab governments were as guilty as any other power.

The breakdown of the cease fire was heralded by the rocket attacks from Gaza on Israeli civiliian targets. The HAMAS cannot claim that the targets in thweir gunsights were military targets as all the rockets landed in heavily populated civilian areas. The purpose was clear to wreak havoc in the population of Israel and the State of Israel responded by launcing a series of air strikes against HAMAS targets. Nearly 300 people were ckilled. It is clear from the footage released by the Israeli Ministry of Defence that HAMAS has hidden their rockets in highly populated areas thereby that organisation is guilty of using civilians as shields.  The Israeli Defence Minister has pointed out that the primary objective was the degradation of HAMAS capacity to target civilians using their rockets.

Israel is showing great courage by inflicting huge casualities on the HAMAS and it is time foer civilised nations of the world to declare war against terrorist organisations, non-state terrorist organisations and it is time to extend the definition of terrorism to include governments that allow by default their territory being used for launching terorist attacks. Israel has shown the way and it is time for the rest of the world to realise that by finding political justifications for terrorism they are in reality only encouraging terrorism. It is time to say "enough is enough" and Israel's example is ceratinly a worthwehile one.

Liberals will cry out about the unacceptable level of civilian casualities but the responsibility for that lies squarely with the HAMAS which used civilian areas to hide thweir weapon dumps.

Comments (Page 10)
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on Jan 08, 2009

Another interesting point:

The media have shown every picture coming out of Gaza: Especially wounded women and children, but none of the wounded/dead Hamas "Fighters". What incredible marksmen the Israelis are! They can hit only women and children. Amazing! How did they win all those wars? Hmmmm....could the media be biased? Naaaah.

Also, how is it we never get the dead Iraqui civilian count, pictures of their dead/maimed? Why don't we see the coffins coming back to America? Can the media be that ruled/"owned" by the Whitehouse? Naaaaah.

Get used to the idea: You are fed exactly what profits them (media moguls/politicians/military-industrial complex/"Intelligence" community) and which diverts you from knowing the truth.

on Jan 08, 2009

Since the media had been mentioned, I'd like to bring up a question that is related but slightly off this topic: Why do a vast majority of Jewish people in the US vote democratic, when is appears that a large portion of the left is unsympathetic, and a smaller portion outright hostile, to their issues? I am of course referring to the recent protests in the US by left wing activists, like code pink. Many of these rallies are openly advocate violence to Jews (One Muslim girl in Florida was shout for Jews to get in the oven in a news clip last night). Jewish signs of support have been few and far between, at least from the medias point of view.

Now I know many of the Jewish bloggers here are conservatives (with some notable exceptions), but they seem to be a minority these days. Their is no denying that there are many Jews in the US media and entertainment business, yet these voices fall silent now and every time there is fighting in Gaza. Why? Not being Jewish myself I can't conceive why this is so. Are US Jews so integrated (unlike their Middle-Eastern American neighbors) into the US that they are unconcerned about Israel? Or are many just masochists that need to be abused to feel loved (IMO exactly what the democratic party does for them)? I feel Israel was violated by the Palestinians long enough and fully support their use of force, but if people who should care (at least a bit more than I) don't, that makes things a bit awkward I'd say.

While the Republican party by far does not have all the answers, they have far fewer "masters" to appease than the democrats (which is why IMO they can never be entirely successful in any endeavor, too many hurt feelings). On support to Israel they have been rock solid.

on Jan 08, 2009

Artysim, I understand your position on saying that two wrongs don't make a right, but I think in this case you are wrong.

The reason every nation has a military is to protect itself from attacks, and to respond appropriately to them.  If Israel was willing to merely sit down and take the attacks from Hamas without a problem, what incentive do they have to stop attacking?  What would other anti-semites in the region begin to think upon seeing that such a blatant attack could go unchallenged?

In the case of war, two wrongs do make a right.  The whole point of a war is to eventually establish peace.  If we were able to merely negotiate away our differences, do you think we would bother to have a military at all?  Sometimes the only way to correct a problem is to destroy it, and the Hamas have proven beyond question that they cannot be reasoned with.

Unfortunately war will be of limited value in this case because hatred does not listen to reason, but Israel has to do what it must.


However, I do believe that one day someone will end the violence in the Middle East, and when he does, the world will soon be just a stone's throw away from hell.

on Jan 08, 2009

Since the media had been mentioned, I'd like to bring up a question that is related but slightly off this topic: Why do a vast majority of Jewish people in the US vote democratic, when is appears that a large portion of the left is unsympathetic, and a smaller portion outright hostile, to their issues? I am of course referring to the recent protests in the US by left wing activists, like code pink. Many of these rallies are openly advocate violence to Jews (One Muslim girl in Florida was shout for Jews to get in the oven in a news clip last night). Jewish signs of support have been few and far between, at least from the medias point of view.

As a Jew I am also confused.  I have been told that Jews vote democratic because of the Tikkun Olam (repairing of the world).  All I really can tell you is that this was written by European Rabbis that have bought into and promote the ideology of Marxism (who was an athiestic Jew, say wha?). 

Here is the kicker.  All Marxist based governments (Communism, Socialism, Fascism) have been terrible to the Jewish People. 

Here's my guess as to why most Jews vote Democratic.  The Democrats are the one's that primarily and successfully run on the platform of "equality, defenders of the little guy, etc" over the years.  The vast majority of American Jews understand the personal obligation of helping the poor, afflicted, unfortunate, homeless, hungry, etc... but are taught to believe that the governenment should be the one who administrates/oversees such help and aid.

I hope that helps from my limited perspective.


on Jan 08, 2009

Why do a vast majority of Jewish people in the US vote democratic, when is appears that a large portion of the left is unsympathetic, and a smaller portion outright hostile, to their issues?

Historically (in the 20th century) the Democrats were more supportive of immigrants and minorities in the north. That was part of the plan to re-establish itself after losing the Civil War.

The Democrats also didn't identify with the "new left" of today. Traditional left-wingers supported and support Israel (while right-wingers didn't care either way).

A _real_ old-style socialist or communist would be more likely to support minority-run kibbuzim (socialist farms) than imperialist Arab land lords. And that's exactly what had happened in the past.

In Europe you can still find many old-style socialists who very vocally support Israel. But they are outnumbered by the new fascist left.


on Jan 08, 2009

Adventure Dude and Leauki - thanks for the insight, still can't say I understand it completely. It's like a woman that keeps coming back to an abusive husband in my eyes, but few things seem to make sense these days. The Israelis have treated me very well the times I was there. I'd like to go back someday as a tourist. I just hope the majority here don't trip down the slippery slope, cause the world seams to be edging that way.

on Jan 10, 2009

The protests (anti-Israeli) get louder. Is anyone else concerned by the Hamas headgear (masks) being worn here in the states at some of these rallies? It's starting to look like Gaza here. I don't know about you all but I hope some phones are being tapped tonight.

on Jan 11, 2009

The protests (anti-Israeli) get louder.

I think we are close to it.

If that Jesus guy was the Messiah, it would be about time to come back now. I hope Hamas doesn't get him.

In the last few decades the Arabs have murdered non-Arabs at a faster rate than before. In the early 2000s they reached German levels in Sudan. Once Iran has its nukes, everything is likely to blow up.


on Jan 11, 2009

The protests (anti-Israeli) get louder. Is anyone else concerned by the Hamas headgear (masks) being worn here in the states at some of these rallies? It's starting to look like Gaza here.

Hhhhmmmm.... well, let me connect two dots for you. A little while ago I put forth the position that the massively disproportionate military campaign being conducted by Israel in Gaza would strengthen Hamas far more than it will hurt them. The response was "LOL!, that's ridiculous, look Hamas members are all getting wiped out you dumb liberal anti-semite!!!!" (I threw in the anti-semite part because apparently any objection to the practices and tactics used by the IDF and it's political masters automatically equates into anti-semitism. Nevermind that much of the criticism comes from Jews and Israeli citizens as well, as I will post a link to at the end)

And yes, many Hamas are indeed being killed. But this campaign and the fact that half of those killed and wounded are non-combatant civillians, has pretty much provided Hamas with the biggest recruiting drive they've seen in years. Just about every single Hamas fighter in the Gaza strip can get killed today and yet tomorrow there will still be folks with green bandanas shooting their bottle rockets off across the border.

This goes back to the earlier point I was trying to express- Israel has the right to exist and defend herself, yes, absolutely. But a massive military strike, like the one they are conducting now is ultimately going to hurt them far more than help them.

In spain, yesterday 100,000 people marched against the Israeli military campaign-

and in Pakistan, which we all know to be a very stable country NOT in any danger whatsoever of falling under the control of radical elements, the U.S consulate had to be shut down yesterday because of large protests-

Earlier I stated that there is much criticism coming from Jews and Israeli citizens against this military action, and so I will post it here. The following is written by Avi Shlaim, a fellow who has served with the IDF in the past (as all able bodied Israeli's must in their younger years)

Entire article here-

and I quote-

"I write as someone who served loyally in the Israeli army in the mid-1960s and who has never questioned the legitimacy of the state of Israel within its pre-1967 borders. What I utterly reject is the Zionist colonial project beyond the Green Line. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the June 1967 war had very little to do with security and everything to do with territorial expansionism. The aim was to establish Greater Israel through permanent political, economic and military control over the Palestinian territories. And the result has been one of the most prolonged and brutal military occupations of modern times.

Four decades of Israeli control did incalculable damage to the economy of the Gaza Strip. With a large population of 1948 refugees crammed into a tiny strip of land, with no infrastructure or natural resources, Gaza's prospects were never bright. Gaza, however, is not simply a case of economic under-development but a uniquely cruel case of deliberate de-development. To use the Biblical phrase, Israel turned the people of Gaza into the hewers of wood and the drawers of water, into a source of cheap labour and a captive market for Israeli goods. The development of local industry was actively impeded so as to make it impossible for the Palestinians to end their subordination to Israel and to establish the economic underpinnings essential for real political independence.

Gaza is a classic case of colonial exploitation in the post-colonial era. Jewish settlements in occupied territories are immoral, illegal and an insurmountable obstacle to peace. They are at once the instrument of exploitation and the symbol of the hated occupation. In Gaza, the Jewish settlers numbered only 8,000 in 2005 compared with 1.4 million local residents. Yet the settlers controlled 25% of the territory, 40% of the arable land and the lion's share of the scarce water resources. Cheek by jowl with these foreign intruders, the majority of the local population lived in abject poverty and unimaginable misery. Eighty per cent of them still subsist on less than $2 a day. The living conditions in the strip remain an affront to civilised values, a powerful precipitant to resistance and a fertile breeding ground for political extremism." 

on Jan 12, 2009

A little while ago I put forth the position that the massively disproportionate military campaign being conducted by Israel in Gaza would strengthen Hamas far more than it will hurt them.

You said the same thing about every single other military campaign, yet Israel's enemies are becoming weaker and weaker, hence the "disproportionate".


on Jan 12, 2009

 Jewish settlements in occupied territories are immoral, illegal and an insurmountable obstacle to peace. 

I would agree, if I were convinced that Jew-free zones are necessary. But I don't want to live in a world where Jews are not allowed to live in X and Arabs are not allowed to live in Y.


on Jan 12, 2009

"a world where Jews are not allowed to live in X and Arabs are not allowed to live in Y"

I know this is not actually what they are proposing. There will be Jew-free zones, but certainly no Arab-free zones.


on Jan 12, 2009

this campaign and the fact that half of those killed and wounded are non-combatant civilians, has pretty much provided Hamas with the biggest recruiting drive they've seen in years. Just about every single Hamas fighter in the Gaza strip can get killed today and yet tomorrow there will still be folks with green bandanas shooting their bottle rockets off across the border.

This is what happens when fighters hide among civilians, and those civilians are either actively aiding Hamas, enjoy standing  next to them, or are just plain stupid to separate themselves from them. The only thing I'd have done different from the Israeli side is process civilians (check them for weapons) and put them in a safe area. Then shoot anything else that moved in Gaza. Gaza needs an enema anyway.

I realize the left wants a military (in both the US and Israel) that fights on the enemies level (Perhaps the Israel army should have sent boy into gaza to blow themselves up. An insect will keep biting you until you kill it.

"Bottle Rockets" funny how liberals always want to make the enemy seem harmless. How comfortable would you be to call it that to the face of one of the victims of a "bottle rocket" family members? Maybe any perceived gun problems by the left in the US can be refereed to as a "pop gun" problem. Of course that wouldn't satisfy your agenda would it?

The biggest mistake liberals make however is the thought that the support they give Hamas will be returned in kind. Well here's a news flash for you, they hate you and your way of life just a little less than the Jews. Once they are out of the way, your next on the to do list.

on Jan 12, 2009

funny how liberals always want to make the enemy seem harmless

If the enemy is a Jew, liberals will come with ways to make him seem more brutal. Remember the "violent settlers"? No such thing as a "Jew living in Hevron" in a liberal newspaper.

But perhaps liberals read too many of their own newspapers and that's why they never learned their history.

EVERY SINGLE time Israel acted militarily, the result was fewer attacks against Israel.

Yet liberals believe that military victories will make things worse, increase world-wide hatred for Jews.

Well, yes, among liberals...

The Neo-Nazis protesters will always be with us. It doesn't matter what Israel does, because those people protest a different Israel; they make up their own stories about what Israel does. (Liberals help them by happily repeating whatever silly lie they were told about Israel as if the lie was solid fact confirmed by the liberal himself.)

But you know what? Israel's military power and willingness to use it gives people hope. There are many non-Arab minorities living in that colonial empire we call the "Arab League". And for many of those Israel is a beacon of hope, the symbol of the possibility to fight back.

Separatist groups in "Arab" countries want Israel's help, even just moral support.


The president of Somaliland (northern part of "Somalia") wrote in 1996:

In my capacity as the President of the Republic of Somaliland, an admirer
of the state of Israel and the courage of its people, please accept my
compliments and my people's profound felicitations to you, your Government,
President and the people of Israel for their tenacity, strength and
resourcefulness which had finally constrained its adversaries to make peace
with the State of Israel. I have the honour of representing the people of
Somaliland and its nascent state in this opportunity for seeking to
establish amiable and strategic links with the State of Israel.

(I personally hope that Israel will recognise Somaliland very soon.)


And this is what we hear from the Christians on southern Sudan:

Deng notes that his fellow Sudanese Christians have a natural affinity for Israel. “They come from a country that considers Israel an enemy nation, but they are persecuted by that government.” Majier Pap, chairman of the Sudanese Refugees Association in Israel, describes his fellow Sudanese Christians as “Christian Zionists.” He adds, “Because Israel is a democratic country, and we in Sudan are victim of fundamentalist Islam, we naturally identify with Israel.”


Israel is hated by those who persecute non-Arab minorities, Christians, homosexuals, and anyone who is different; and by their willing helpers in the west.


on Jan 12, 2009

Used to play DnD with one as a teenager. Asked him why he didn t mind the pagan theme, he told me cause he didn't practice his religon strictly and even agreed with me I should not visit muslim nations without keeping my religon secret.

I currently play DnD with two of them (and not one of those people who got assimilated in your culture. I live with the pure pedigree), and their reaction to the same question was: "Well, It's a fucking game.". Which is more enlightened than some christians in the USA, I'd have to say.

And I haven't had any problem with my religion, even if it not even of the Abrahamic faith.

Cikomyrcomment 89

what do you know about muslims and islam?

Plenty I love history.

I live in a muslim country. I think I could qualify you as an "armchair sociologue". You don't know anything about living in their countries, or how they really treat peoples. You merely think you know them because you opened a book and read the most extremist exemples of their society. It's like thinking all Germans are like Hitler.

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