Are the Europeans Happy with Bush
The bonhomie displayed by the civilised,urbane, sophisticated and yes, diplomatic Europeans seem to have led the American media to pro offer the unwarranted conclusion that the "bridge " with Europe has been built, and the differences over the war and aggression in Iraq are settled. Norhing could be further than the truth. The fact the Bush was a state guest in the Eropean capitals meant that no major controversey was allowed the syrface. A show of polite welcome does not agreement make. The US media must learn the the European media underplays difference with major political actors when they are on state visits.
The issue of Iran still ranckle. The European Union is not ibn favour of any arm twisting of Iran. The credinbility of the present administration has taken a nose dive over the question of nuclear weapons, especially after the fact that Iraq did not have any of the ABC weapons it was accused of having. The issue of fuel cycles raised by Iran is a fundamentally new arument, and the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty does not cap research on this fuel cycle, and therefore Iran is on solid ground there and even the tough Dr El Barradai is an record stating that Iran is not in violation of the NPT. The US administration is now trying to take the
issue out of the hands of the UN Atomic Energy Commission and apply sanctions on Iran. The Europeans are unlikely to follow suit, and where will all this studied bonhomie shown on Bush's visit end.
The issue of North Korea is still there. North Korea is a nuclear power and is in aposition to threaten its neighbours. Threfore even the tough ttalkking Bush is being forced to talk soft. It pays to be a nuclear bully.