In two days time the Electorate in UK will head for the polls. Tony Blair and his Labour Party will return to power with a much reduced Parliamentary majority. If the Conservatives are not able to benefit from the backlash of the Iraq War they have no one to blame but themselves. During the run-up to the War, when the Labour Party backbenchers were reluctant to endorse Blair's assessment of the situation in Iraq, the Conservatives bailed out the PM.. Having done that the Tories cannot now claim that they were against the War.
The question of public credibility over the judgement of Tony Blair now is wide open. The British Public is now convinced the Tony Blair lied to them about the weapons of Mass Destruction, he suppressed the dissenting note of the Attorney General about the legality of the War, and wilfully used Intelligence Reports knowing the they have been "sexed up". It is really appaling the a politician with moral standards of a THIRD WORLD POLITICIAN is now heading for victory.