There is mounting anger in the Islamic world against the USA and its allies who call themselves "COalition of the Willing". The War in Iraq, the large scale killing of innocent civillians fo;;owed by a ruthless policy of search and destroy that is being followed, and the story of the descecration of the GOLY QURAN has resulted in palpable anger. The USA could have issued a denial when the sory broke in NEWSWEEK. Instead the spokeman of the State Department issued a statement the the matter is being investigated, making peoplea all over the world believe that the allegations are true. The Abu Gharaib Prison issue itself had angered the Islamic world and coming on the heels of that ascandal was this alarming piece of News. As far as the USA is concerned the people will believe anything given the history of American brutality in Iraq, and the cynical disregard for humna life, values and social well being that the current administration is displying both in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Afghanistan more than a dozen prisoners have been killed in Americzn custody.
Given this state of affairs the US Administration has taken a step worthy of the totalitarian regimes it critisises:it compelled the Newsweek Maganize to issue a denial. US credibility is so low all over the world that this move is being seen as a ham handed excercise in damage control. Shooting the messenger is hardly damage control: this is what passes off as policy in the rarified air of Wasington D C.