Michael Jackson, the Sultann of Pop, has won his legal battle and there is no doubt that the charges were trumped up. Jackson rightly said in one of his sdongs:Stenton is a hard man. However, Neverland, will never be the same again. The trial and the media hype against Jackson all mean that Michael Jackson will,have to work hard to reinvent himself. The iconic status of Jackson has actually been reinforced by this victory. We were sure that he was innocent and prayed the he will walk free. The procecution has used unethical tactics in order to nail Jackson. Calling former, disgruntled employees to testify, trying to bring as witnesses even those who benefitted through the generosity of Jackson all smacked of a personal grudge against Jackson. The Stentton Man who was responsible for this chilling percecution and procesution of Jackson must be punished for porofessional misconduct and misuse of public office against the greatest Pop Star after Elvis. The incredibly talented Jackson will be able to ressurect his music even after this mad deluge of charges. GOD BLESS M JACKSON