This blog explores the contemporary political and cultural trends from a distinct perspective
Published on June 14, 2005 By Bahu Virupaksha In Current Events
Michael Jackson, the Sultann of Pop, has won his legal battle and there is no doubt that the charges were trumped up. Jackson rightly said in one of his sdongs:Stenton is a hard man. However, Neverland, will never be the same again. The trial and the media hype against Jackson all mean that Michael Jackson will,have to work hard to reinvent himself. The iconic status of Jackson has actually been reinforced by this victory. We were sure that he was innocent and prayed the he will walk free. The procecution has used unethical tactics in order to nail Jackson. Calling former, disgruntled employees to testify, trying to bring as witnesses even those who benefitted through the generosity of Jackson all smacked of a personal grudge against Jackson. The Stentton Man who was responsible for this chilling percecution and procesution of Jackson must be punished for porofessional misconduct and misuse of public office against the greatest Pop Star after Elvis. The incredibly talented Jackson will be able to ressurect his music even after this mad deluge of charges. GOD BLESS M JACKSON
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 15, 2005
Bahu: Even jurors have come forward and stated that based on the testemony they believe Jackson molested children. There simply wasn't enough evidence to prove these particular charges.

If you choose to believe that Jackson innocently kept boys in his bed, that's your right. I seriously doubt you'd let your son sleep over, though.
on Jun 16, 2005
He looks pretty damn shiny to me. If America "doesnt let black people shine" then how do you account for his fame and fortune in the first place?Well I do not want to open another can of worms on this one. But let me point out two factys: Blacks in the USA are dispropotionately represented in 1 Entertainment Industry 2 Sports and 3 Prisons. I of course hold the view that there is no point inb blaming Society for what are essentially personal flaws. However,I cannot help wondering whether MJ would have been hounded by Seddon had he not been a successful Black Icon. Now having said that I must add that I always considered O J SIMSON to be guilty as HELL even if he was found #not guilty'.
on Jun 16, 2005
He looks pretty damn shiny to me. If America "doesnt let black people shine" then how do you account for his fame and fortune in the first place?Well I do not want to open another can of worms on this one. But let me point out two factys: Blacks in the USA are dispropotionately represented in 1 Entertainment Industry 2 Sports and 3 Prisons. I of course hold the view that there is no point inb blaming Society for what are essentially personal flaws. However,I cannot help wondering whether MJ would have been hounded by Seddon had he not been a successful Black Icon. Now having said that I must add that I always considered O J SIMSON to be guilty as HELL even if he was found #not guilty'.
on Jun 16, 2005
Michael Jackson WAS succesful. Now he's a has-been. You're theory would work a bit better if you said that the reason he got out of a court date in '93 was because he was more succesful and influential then than he is now.
on Jun 16, 2005
the reason he got out of a court date in '93 was because he was more succesful and influential then than he is now

having a lot more money back then worked to his advantage. most molestors don't have the kinda bucks needed to stifle their victims and make the charges go away.
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