Will the USA support Pat Robertson Policy
The strongest argument that the Western Media has been making against Bin Laden and his ilk is that they advocate Terrorism in the name of Religion, a religion with which the Christian nations of the World have had at best an uneasy relationship. While Terrorism as a concept has neither been defined nor legislated upon, the USa embarked upon a war against Iraq without any sanction whatsoever, except the much trumpetted QWeapons of Mass Destruction that Iraq allegedly possessed. The result is there for all to see:250,000 Iraqis dead and the country in ruins. Such actions encourage the mad mullahs of Christianity like Par Roberson to advocate assasination as a weapon or instrument of foreign policy..His strident call to have Chavez killed is in tune with the neo con thinking in the political ciccles of the USA. Shock and Awe, Kill and Destroy, Bomb and Scoot, Drop Cluster Bombs and let loose Mayhem have become policy prescriptions of the major SuperPower of the World. If a Moslem were tyo utter the same words as did a cleric in New York, he will be punished with life imprisonment. But Pat Roberson is the toast of the Establishment. Is he too not a mad mullah so deried by the West.
I wonder what punishment he will face? Will the same advocacy of assasination by a Muslim of leaders who are preceived to be anti Islam be given the same kid Glove treatment.
It is time for all to say tha the neoconmen have had their day in the sun and it is time for them to ride into the sunset, for peace and safety of this world.