The recent exposure of the systematic and illegal snooping around building in which American who have opted for the Islamic religion reside or work, has rightly led to an uproar against the brazen manner in which the cherished civil liberies of the citizens have been trampled. There is nothing surprising in this. The liberals who feign outrage at what happened do not understand that this kind of intrusive surveillence over the American people is part and parcel of the Patriot's Act. The Bushmen caught the Americans ayt there most vulnerable, soon after the 9/11 trtgedy and pushed forth a policy of dismantling the gains of the civil right's movement. The war in Iraq in which tens of thousnads of Iraqis have died and one in which 2213 American soldiers have laid down their lives was part of the same mind set. It is a sad day for the whole world when the American regime which talks of Democracy and Freedom in the Middle East is using its police force to snoop against its own people.
Now that the War in Iraq has become part of the domestic agenda and the November Congressional Elections are likely to be dominated by this issue, we hope that the Amrerican People will vote against this montrous regime that is targetting its own people.