The situation in Iraq is nowhere near normal. Three years after the Bush Admionistration launched its invasion of Iraq the country has been reduced to shambles. Electricity is supplies for only 4 to 6 hoiurs, schools and hospitals are virtually closed down, essential suppl\ies are to be had at an exhorbitant price and a proud and civilised nation reduced to sectarian and civil strife. The US invasion is the sole cause for this unfolding trgedy. The regular readers of our blog would know that this is exactly what we had predicted. The Shiaa Sunni strife is clearly got the US backed regime by surprise and are unprepared for it. The Shiaa dominated government is retaliating by launching death squads into Sunni areas and everyday nearly 70 to 100 people die in the sectarian violence. The US Administration thought that after the elections there will be peace. This was just a false hope encouraged by the alliance now in power. The drift into civil war willncrease the leverage the Iran has in Iraq and USA will have to call in the good offices of Iran to save the day.
The bombing of the Shiaa shrine at Samaraa has resulted in increasing the divide between the two major sectarian groupings in Iraqi society. This level of sectarian strife iwas unknpwn even in the woprst days of Saddam's tyranny. With no exit plan in place, the situatioon in Iraq deteriorating by the day, rising violence and a civil society restive to the point of distraction, the USA will hacve to begin its count down to leave Iraq.