This blog explores the contemporary political and cultural trends from a distinct perspective
A Stalemate is on Hand
Published on May 31, 2005 By Bahu Virupaksha In Politics
The news from Iraq is getting messier by the day. The American public was told that once the elections are held peace and quiet will descend on Iraq. Those opf us who have been follwing that story knew better. Now after 150,000 Iraqi lives destroyed, billions of dollars worth of infrastructure destroyed, nearly 2000 US soldiers killed in action and the golbal image of the USA is tatters it is time to reflect on the whole issue. The neo conmen who led the country to war underestimated the power of the Iraqi Resistance. They were not aware that in1922-24 when the British administered Mesopotamia as part of its maNDATED TERRITORY there was hell in store for them at a time when the Iraqi civil society was far less developed than it is today. There is no way this war can be won. Luttwak is perfectly right when he says that USA must disengage itself from Iraq. Disengagement is not retreat and must not be perceived that way. In the last week alone Bagdad has seen the death of nearly 550 civillians in car bombs and other acts of violence targetted against Iraqi s.

A disturbing trend is that the troops are not being rotated. This means that after a tour of duty a soldier who could look forward to spending time with his wife and children can no longer do so. The morale of troops will be affected and more importantly even the top brass of the US army is admitting that the war is bearing down heavily on troop morale. Gen Raggis was chashiered from the US army for telling the truth.

At this rate the dreaded draft will be introduced and that is the only way the present level of American engagement can be maintained. As for as the Iraqis taking over the security operations just forget it. The Iraqis are nowhere close to reaching the target. AT THE FIRST SIGN OF GUNNFIRE THE iRAQI FLEES AND THE FEW who stand and fight find that they are usually overlooked for rewards which is cornered by the staff officers close to the Americans. Moreover the level of Intellegence of the Iraqi resistance is improving. This spells danger.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 11, 2005
Show me where in that sentence where I insulted you.

You didn't insult me. You insulted Bahu, calling him "ignorant" for his point of view on the Iraq debaucle. You have yet to make any kind of point regarding his post, other than insulting him and responding to me pointing out your bad habit of insulting people with whom you do not agree.

Feeling singled out, are ya? Too bad. They will get their turns, if I feel so inclined (which I may or may not).
on Jun 11, 2005
Sorry, Bahu, for using your post to make a point. But, drmiler just gave me the opportunity, so I jumped on it.
on Jun 11, 2005
-But peace in iraq is achievable

Dear God, I sure hope so.
on Jun 11, 2005
Since you Bushies are telling us that things are so great in Iraq, it is time to leave and allow the new government to take charge!
on Jun 11, 2005

#16 by zinkadoodle
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Show me where in that sentence where I insulted you.

You didn't insult me. You insulted Bahu, calling him "ignorant" for his point of view on the Iraq debaucle. You have yet to make any kind of point regarding his post, other than insulting him and responding to me pointing out your bad habit of insulting people with whom you do not agree.

Feeling singled out, are ya? Too bad. They will get their turns, if I feel so inclined (which I may or may not).

Feel inclined or not. You won't be doing anything on any of my threads. Welcome to my blacklist! You want to waste your time following me all over JU? Be my quest. Unlike others I can and WILL ignore you. TTFN!

And the reason I have not reponded to Bahu's post is because there is absolutly NO validity to any of the claims he's made!
on Jun 12, 2005
The cost to maintain this invasion keeps going up and up, with no end in sight. In fact, Bush said that the oil from Iraq would pay for this and it would not be the American taxpayers' responsibilities. Well, he lied.6. Our country is as divided, if not more so, than before Bush took office. 7. An American officer training Iraqis has stated that he can trust only 25% of his Iraqi enlistees, maybe, if he's lucky and it's a good day. These are not good percentages, and do not portray the US as winning any hearts and minds of Iraqis. 8. Most Iraqis want the US out of their country. We have

The war in Iraq will end the day the Americans decide that it is not worth the candle. Right now when Bush and the Bushmen talk about involving the Iraqis in the Security of their country what they really mean is an exit strategy to disengage from Iraq. I think it will not be possible for the US public opinion to tale another 1000 caualities.
on Jun 12, 2005
More then half of the Americans no longer believe the cost of the Iraq war was worth the cost. The cost in lives, dollars and time is far greater then Bush told us before the war!
on Jun 12, 2005
More then half of the Americans no longer believe the cost of the Iraq war was worth the cost. The cost in lives, dollars and time is far greater then Bush told us before the war!

I think the truth about the bush lies is finally starting to emerge. Many who were pro invasion are now questioning the motives, saying that if they knew then what they know now, they never would have voted for the war. If they were actually told the truth, then they would have known then, and that's the kicker. History is finally playing itself out with regard to Iraq.

The bushie liars are going dooooooooowwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!

Let the soldiers come home. Let the Iraqis sort it out among themselves. Let the US provide war reparations to hasten the peace efforts.

Let there please be peace finally in Iraq.
on Jun 12, 2005
Welcome to my blacklist!

Thank you. I'm sure I won't mind being there.


What does this mean? Or, should I not even bother asking?

And the reason I have not reponded to Bahu's post is because there is absolutly NO validity to any of the claims he's made!

Well, in fact there is. Your insults will not negate that. And, dear boy, in time you will be proven wrong. And, I just love, love, love sweet validation.
on Jun 12, 2005

#24 by zinkadoodle
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Welcome to my blacklist!

Thank you. I'm sure I won't mind being there.


What does this mean? Or, should I not even bother asking?

TTFN= Ta-Ta for now

And the reason I have not reponded to Bahu's post is because there is absolutly NO validity to any of the claims he's made!

Well, in fact there is. Your insults will not negate that. And, dear boy, in time you will be proven wrong. And, I just love, love, love sweet validation.

Well don't hold your breath on this one. Because I'm NOT giving you mouth to mouth. I will be proven correct NOT wrong.
on Jun 12, 2005
If reality were determined by the MSM then US forces would still be "bogged down" outside Baghdad.
on Jun 12, 2005
Here is some reality- 1,700 dead American Military, over 25,000 injured and $300 billion and there is NO END IN SIGHT!!!!!
on Jun 13, 2005
Here is some reality- 1,700 dead American Military, over 25,000 injured and $300 billion and there is NO END IN SIGHT!!!!!

And Bush won the election....again.
on Jun 13, 2005
The right wing spin machine only posts the forward steps, while completely ignoring the backward steps.

And you leftie spinners post only the backward steps while completely ignoring the forward ones. This makes you better than us how, exactly?
See, we get a constant flow of negativity and direness from you and your media outlets, so we HAVE to post the positive stuff we hear to try and balance it out. It's called "fairness". Look it up.
on Jun 13, 2005
Here is some reality- 1,700 dead American Military, over 25,000 injured and $300 billion and there is NO END IN SIGHT!!!!!

And here is some more elections, a new government that doesn't threaten to kill them for disagreeing (which results in a drastic reduction in the digging of mass graves....whoa! That might hurt the economy...hmmm...), free press, free markets, water and electric service to over half the city of Baghdad, for example, much of it in areas that never had it before....horrible stuff, huh? No wonder you want us to leave, COL, if we stay, the Iraqis might become our strongest allies and Bush just might be proven right. Can't have that.....
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