The war in Iraq is being waged outside the purview of the United Nations, the only keeper of International Law. I f powerful nations like the US and her allies become laws unto themselve, then thw world is only a short step away from disaster.
There is mounting anger in the Islamic world against the USA and its allies who call themselves "COalition of the Willing". The War in Iraq, the large scale killing of innocent civillians fo;;owed by a ruthless policy of search and destroy that is being followed, and the story of the descecration of the GOLY QURAN has resulted in palpable anger. The USA could have issued a denial when the sory broke in NEWSWEEK. Instead the spokeman of the State Department issued a statement the the matter is...
One of the fundamental values that USA and the West propounded in its sustained campaign against the erstwhile USSR was the fact that dissent and freedom of expression is regarded as sacrosant in Western society. Now the fact that the Chinese dissedent who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year is regarded as a hero by large sections of world public opinion is a tribute to the propaganda machinery that worked overtime to impress upon the world that dissent is not tolerated in the Peo...
As I had warned often in the past, the Bush Administration pursued a self-defeating policy in Pakistan when it forced General Parvez Musharaf to yield to the so-called forces of democracy headed by Benazir Bhutto. Her tragic death opened the door for her husband the notorious 10% man to become President of Pakistan. This man neither has the education not the stature to head a country in crisis, and the first thing he did was to appont a non-entity Mr Ghilani as PM overlooking the claims of Mr ...
While the two presidential candidates battle each other a quiet game is being played out in Iraq. Some may say that the gambit currently undeerway is the end game as far as Iraq is concerned, others may say that it is the beginning of a new phase in US occupation of Iraq. The UN security council resolution by which the "coalition of the willing" operates in Iraq expires in Cecemer 2008 and US diplomats and the Bush Administration even in the dying days of its Presidency is preparing the ground f...
It has become common knowledge that Bush and the Bushmen are losing ground rather rapidly. Come November and the Democrats will be in a strong position in both houses. However, it will be more accurate to say that Bush is slipping due to certain fundamental policy snafus: the Democrats are gaining by default. They have hardly come up with a single sensible solution to either the immigration issue on the policy towarsd Iraq. The monumental failures of Bush is making the Democrats look like sta...
During the course of the last fortnight alone, the international press has reported at least 4 instances of unarmed civilians being gunned down by a heavily armed gunman. This kind of killing is on the increase and though I do not have the statistics to prove it, i venture to suggest that economic uncertainty is causing a good deal of turbulence in American society. The killing of 12 people who had gathered to watch the Dark Knight Rises at Aurora, Arizona, and more recently the shooting o...
A look at the world of politics, statecraft, diplomacy and books Elizebeth Eisenstein in her study entitled The Printing Press as an Agent of Change argued that it was the availability of knowledge across class lines that paved the way for the great changes that we now associate with the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution. The printed book was empowering because it broke the monopoly of the clerical and the warrior groups to literacy and in the eighteenth century we see the...